This video demonstrates different aspects of the DOLPHIN cooperative hypermedia environment in the context of electroic meeting rooms. There are three parts. First, the basic funtionality of DOLPHIN for electronic whiteboards is demonstrated. This includes the pen-based user-interface for creating informal structures such as scribbling, freehand sketching, and the creation of nodes and links. Interaction for frequently used operations is based on gesture-recognition. Second, it shows how DOLPHIN supports different aspects of meetings including the processes in the pre-, in-, and post-meeting phases. During the meeting, participants can use computers mounted in the meeting room table. Thus, everybody can access and modify information on the public space displayed on the whiteboard while sitting at the table. They can also engage in parallel private work which can be shared with the group later on. The third part demonstrates how DOLPHIN can be used to support meetings between two groups on physically distributed meeting rooms. Shared workspaces are complemented by audio/video connections between the rooms. It is noted that DOLPHIN can also be used in distributed desktop-based situations. |