Transcript for Giant on the Bighorn, segment 04 of 9

And for insights into how this land came to be.

In the past this entire area has been covered by inland seas. More than one time there were different seas here. There were tiny animals living at the bottom of the seas. What we have in this rock are called brachiopods. You can see the prints of shells, parts of shells that are encased in this particular one that I have, impressions on the back, and these tiny creatures lived at the bottom of the sea. During these time periods, there were also other sea life here. These are called bulimnites. This, what we have is the central body mass of this small animal that would have been somewhat similar or the ancestors to the squid or octopus that we have today. Would you like to pass that around? Everybody can take a look at them. This is a bigger one. There are various sizes. Some of them very small, in fact.

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