Transcript for The Rio Grande, segment 08 of 9


Throughout much of its length, the Rio Grande is hostage to the pervasive desert which draws water into the parched sands and to the fierce sunlight that almost visibly sucks the river into the sky. To these persistent natural enemies, the river can but slowly surrender, shrinking gradually as it meanders and plunges its way toward the distant sea. All forms of life consume water from the Rio Grande and its tributaries, all forms of life whether plant, animal, or human. For although not a large river, the Rio Grande is often the only source of water.

Civilized development through dams and reservoirs has greatly assisted the river to meet the water demands. These dams hold back the spring runoff to be released in the late summer, fall, and winter when water is most in demand. We may reschedule flows through the dams, but it is not for mankind to dictate the size of nature's gift of water. In the end, the river itself will answer.

Those who live in riverside villages have a saying, {{{Language in Spanish - How does our world live? By the will of God. And how does our village live? From the river.}}}.

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