Video Details      

Eudora Welty and Cleanth Brooks in Jackson - Strong Convictions

Second Segment: Eudora Welty does not see the value of making a change for the sake of change. "If something drives you to do it, something that's sort of very strong conviction or anything that goes within the personal make up that you can rely on to tell you to do something. This is an awful way to put it. Where it has a basis, then you can follow that and see where it goes. And if it doesn't do it you can; I mean, life doesn't depend on that. It's a mater of--still a matter of communication. And if you don't communicate?"                                              

Video Information
Year: 1988
Genre: Educational
Keywords: Eudora Welty; Cleanth Brooks; American literature; southern literature; narrative; strong conviction; change; communication
Duration: 00:01:57
Color: Yes
Sound: Yes
Amount of Motion: Low
Language: English
Sponsor: Ferris Collection
Contributing Organization: William R. Ferris Collection
Transcript Available: No

Digitization Information
Digitization Date: 2006
Digitizing Organization: Open Video

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