NASA Destination Tomorrow video containing three segments as described below. NASA Destination Tomorrow Future Space Food Concerns segment desribes the problems with long duration space travel such as bone loss, food stability, food nutrition and the need for astronauts to have alternative food sources once they reach their destination. The Future Space Food Concerns segment ends with a Did You Know? segment about astronaut ice cream. NASA Destination Tomorrow Food Tech in Long Space Trip segment contains the Behind the Scenes segment that describes the technology and goals for food on space missions. The Food Tech in Long Space Trip segment describes how food is stored, and the challenges of providing food in space. The Food Tech in Long Space Trip segment next describes the processing and preparing of food on the planet Mars. The Food Tech in Long Space Tripsegment also discusses some of the issues with food like food preparation time, food preparation tools, weight of food, weight of food processing machines, what nutrition astronauts will need to maintain healthy bodies and the effects of radiation on food. The Food Tech in Long Space Trip segment ends with a Did You Know? segment describing the first time solid food was eaten in space. NASA Destination Tomorrow Eating In Space segment contains the How it Works segment in which Astronaut Michael Foale describes what eating in space is like. This video is part two of a two part series discussing Food Technology and how it is used by NASA. |