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NASASciFiles - The Case of The Ocean Odyssey

NASA Sci Files video containing the 12 segments described below. First segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes tides and waves and how they are created by the gravitational forces of the sun and moon. Second segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes how the oceans formed and the role of salt in creating currents. Third segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes how the salinity and temperature of water increases its density. The Density Current segment describes how the different densities of water in the ocean create currents. Fourth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes surface currents, what role they have in the creation of climate and how they form. Fifth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes the velocity of current. In the fifth segment the tree house detectives perform a series of experiments. In the first experiment they measured the velocity of current, in the second experiment they see who can swim the fastest against the current, and in the final experiment of this segment they test to see if people float at different speeds. Sixth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes how oil is formed in the Earth. Seventh segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes how drilling companies produce and look for oil. Eighth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes Ocean Topography and where oil seepage comes from. Ninth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes Ocean Pressure and how that limits the depth to which people can dive. In the ninth segment they discuss alternative means of exploring deep parts of the ocean. Tenth segment of the Ocean Odyssey contains the Hands on Activity, in which students simulate an oil spill and try to clean it up in different ways. Eleventh segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes the impact of oil spills on the environment, how oil spills are tracked, and what is used to clean up oil spills. Twelfth segment of the Ocean Odyssey describes coastal currents and how they might effect oil spills and objects in the ocean.                                              

Video Information
Year: 2004
Genre: Educational
Keywords: NASA SciFiles; The Ocean Odyssey; Tides; Waves; Oceans; Ocean Current; Gravity; How Are Waves Created; How Are Tides Created; How Salt Forms in the Ocean; Salt; North Atlantic Deep Water; NADW; Antarctic Bottom Water; AABW; Density Current; Surface Current; Climate; Velocity; Experiment; Sedimentary Basins; Anaerobic; Oil; How oil forms; Oil production; Oil Exploration; Derrick; Sources of Oil Pollution; Natural Seepage; Topography; Pressure; Submersibles; Oil Spill; Hands On Activity; Clean Up Oil; Cleaning Oil Spills; Imact of Oil Spills; How to clean oil spills; Coastal Currents; Eddies and Filaments; Sargasso Sea;
Duration: 00:58:59
Color: Yes
Sound: Yes
Amount of Motion: Low
Language: English
Sponsor: NASA
Contributing Organization: NASA
Transcript Available: Yes

Digitization Information
Digitization Date: 2005
Digitizing Organization: Open Video

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