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ACM CSCW 2000 - Enabling distributed collaborative science

To enable collaboration over distance, they have designed, developed, and are evaluating a collaborative environment to support research that uses a specialized scientific instrument called a nonoManipulator. This instrument incorporates visualization and force feedback technologies to allow scientists to see, feel, and modify biological samples being studied with an Atomic Force Microscope.                                              

Video Information
Year: 2000
Genre: Educational
Keywords: CSCW; collaborative environment; nanoManipulator; computer-supported copperative work
Duration: 00:16:19
Color: Yes
Sound: Yes
Amount of Motion: Low
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Contributing Organization: Assocation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Transcript Available: No

Digitization Information
Digitization Date: 2004
Digitizing Organization: Open Video

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