Videos In the NASA K-16 Science Education Programs Special Collection |
NASA Connect - AATC - Future NASA Technology
NASA Connect Segment exploring new and future technology to help meteorologists predict hurricanes and other severe weather. The video explores GIFTS, or geostationary satellites, and other developing technologies at NASA. Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Geostationary; Satellites; Technology; Hurricanes; Geostationary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer; GIFTS; Temperature; Water Vapor; Wind; Remote Sensing; Steering Winds; Duration: 06:59 Downloads: 2750 |
NASA Connect - AATC - Hurricane Hunters
NASA Connect Segment explaining what hurricane hunters do and how they do it. The video explores the instruments they use to collect data from a hurricane and the types... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Hurricanes; Hurricane Hunters; Temperature; Moisture; Air Pressure; Wind; National Hurricane Center; Eye Wall; Computer Models; Data; Duration: 04:41 Downloads: 2844 |
NASA Connect - AATC - Hurricanes and Computer Simulation
NASA Connect Segment explaining software tools and products that use interactivity to network NASA research data. The video describes dynamic websites that use visualization, simulation, and remote sensing tools to... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Computer Simulation; Software Interactivity; Data; NASA; Websites; Hurricanes; Visualization; Remote Sensing; Duration: 03:23 Downloads: 2827 |
NASA Connect - AATC - Hurricanes and Meteorologists
NASA Connect Segment explaining the fundamentals of hurricanes and how meteorologists predict hurricanes. The video also features a meteorologists from The Weather Channel to explain how data is collected... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Hurricanes; Hurricane Prediction; Meteorologists; The Weather Channel; Typhoon; Baguio; Tropical Cyclone; Eye Center; Duration: 04:20 Downloads: 2786 |
NASA Connect - AATC - The Imperfect Storm Activity
NASA Connect Segment involving students in an activity that uses a game called the Imperfect Storm. Students must track a hurricane, predict the probability of landfall, and issue watches and... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Student Activity; Hurricanes; Landfall Probability; Hurricane Watch; Hurricane Warning; Tropical Wave; Low-Pressure System; Coordinates Duration: 04:14 Downloads: 755 |
NASA Connect - Ahead Above The Clouds
NASA Connect Video containing five segments as described below. NASA Connect Segment exploring new and future technology to help meteorologists predict hurricanes and other severe weather. The video explores GIFTS,... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Geostationary; Satellites; Technology; Hurricanes; Geostationary Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer; GIFTS; Temperature; Water Vapor; Wind; Remote Sensing; Steering Winds; Hurricane Hunters; Moisture; Air Pressure; National Hurricane Center; Eye Wall; Computer Models; Data; Hurricane Prediction; Meteorologists; The Weather Channel; Typhoon; Baguio; Tropical Cyclone; Eye Center; Landfall Probability; Hurricane Watch; Hurricane Warning; Tropical Wave; Low-Pressure System; Coordinates Duration: 28:31 Downloads: 2515 |
NASA Connect - Ancient Observatories: Timeless Knowledge
NASA Connect video containing four segments as described below. NASA Connect segment explaining the foundations of astronomy and the how the Earth moves relative to the sun. This segment explains... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Archaeoastronomy; Geometry; Angles; Obtuse; Acute; Right; Sun; Earth; Four Seasons; Summer; Fall; Winter; Spring; Summer Solstice; Fall Equinox; Winter Solstice; Spring Equinox; Gnomon; Sundials; Student Activity; Shadows; Navajo; Petroglyphs; Mayan; Zodiac; Mayan counting system; Roman Numerals; Mathematics; Ancient Observatories; AO; Duration: 28:31 Downloads: 2749 |
NASA Connect - AO - Archeoastronomy
First segment of NASA Connect Ancient Observatories explaining the foundations of astronomy and the how the Earth moves relative to the sun. This segment explains how the Earth's tilt creates... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Archaeoastronomy; Geometry; Angles; Obtuse; Acute; Right; Sun; Earth; Four Seasons; Summer; Fall; Winter; Spring; Summer Solstice; Fall Equinox; Winter Solstice; Spring Equinox; Gnomon; Sundials; Ancient Observatories; AO; Duration: 07:50 Downloads: 1688 |
NASA Connect - AO - Indigenous Astronomers
Third segment of NASA Connect Ancient Observatories that shows two examples of how the Navajo used used structures to track progress of the sun in the sky. Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Navajo; Petroglyphs; Ancient Observatories; AO; Duration: 06:36 Downloads: 1234 |
NASA Connect - AO - Mayan Astronomy
Fourth segment of NASA Connect Ancient Observatories describing the Ancient Mayan civilization and their accomplishments. This segment compares the Mayan counting system to the Roman counting system and has a... Genre: Educational Keywords: NASA Connect; Mayan; Zodiac; Mayan counting system; Roman Numerals; Student Activity; Mathematics; Ancient Observatories; AO; Duration: 07:39 Downloads: 1407 |