Videos In the UIST Video Special Collection
ACM UIST 1997 - GLIDE: An interactive system for drawing graphs (1997)
The GLIDE system is an interactive constraint based editor for drawing small and medium sized graphs that organize the interaction in a more collaborative manner than in previous systems. ...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; collaborative interfaces; constraint-based layout; drawing tools; graph drawing
Duration: 04:58
Downloads: 505
ACM UIST 1997 - Immersion in Desktop VR (1997)
This video explores techniques for evaluating and improving immersions in desktop virtual reality (VR). Three experiments are reported which extend findings on immersion in VR reported by Paush. ...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; virtual Reality; Immersion; Evaulation; Visual Search Paradigm
Duration: 02:51
Downloads: 533
ACM UIST 1997 - Interactive beautifiaction: A technique for rapid geometric design (1997)
We propose interactive beautification, a technique for rapid geometric design and introduce the technique and its algorithm with a protoype system Pegasus. The motivation is to solve a problem...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; beautification; constraints; drawing programs; pen-based computing; sketching
Duration: 06:15
Downloads: 541
ACM UIST 1997 - Pick-and-drop: A direct maniulation techinque for multiple computer environments (1997)
This paper proposes a new field of user interfaces called multi-computer direct manipulation technique that can be used for data transfer between different compuers as well as within the same...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; computer augmented environments; direct manipulation; drag-and-drop; graphical user interfaces; input devices; multi-computer user interfaces; pen interfaces; stylus interfaces; ubiquitous computing
Duration: 04:04
Downloads: 567
ACM UIST 1997 - TimeSlider: an interface to specify time point (1997)
This video introduces TimeSlider, a user interface technique that allows the user to specify time points. TimeSlider is a kind of slider whose time scale is nonlinear and which...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; desktop software; selection technology; slider; time machine
Duration: 04:08
Downloads: 519
ACM UIST 1997 - Worldlets: 3D thumbnails for wayfinding in virtual environments (1997)
Virtual environment landmarks are essential in wayfinding: they anchor routes through a region and provide memorable destinations to return to later. Current virtual environment browsers provide user interface...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; 3D thumbnails; wayfinding; VRML; virtual reality
Duration: 02:18
Downloads: 552
ACM UIST 2000 - Cross-modal interaction using Xweb (2000)
The Xweb project addresses the problem of interacting with services by means of a variety of interactive platforms. Interactive clients are povided on a variety of hardware/software platforms that...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; cross-modal interaction; network interaction; screen layout; speech interfaces
Duration: 10:42
Downloads: 513
ACM UIST 2000 - Dynamic space management for user interfaces (2000)
We describe the representation: provide efficient incremental algorithms for adding and deleting full-space rectangles and for querying the empty-space representation, and show several allocation strategies that the representation make possible....

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; display layout; geometric modeling; overlap avoidance; space allocation; spatial data structures; user interface design; window management
Duration: 04:49
Downloads: 518
ACM UIST 2000 - FlowMenu: Combinbin command; text and parameter entry (2000)
They present a new kind of marking menu that was developed for use with a pen device on display surfaces such as large high resolution, wall-mounted displays. It integrates...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; Quikwriting; Marking menu; control menu; interactive surface
Duration: 03:58
Downloads: 583
ACM UIST 2000 - Illusions of infinity: feedback for infinite worlds (2000)
Sensory feedback for user actions in arbitrarily large information worldscan exhaust the limited dynamic range of human sensation. Two well-known illusions, one optical and one auditory, can be used...

Genre: Educational
Keywords: UIST; ZUI; interface feedback; multiscale interfaces; sensory illusions; zoom views
Duration: 05:43
Downloads: 650
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The Open Video Project is managed at the Interaction Design Laboratory,
at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill